What are some habits that separate the rich from the poor?.....Read The Full Article>>.....Read The Full Article>>
1. Rich people spend their money to save time — poor people don’t value their time.
2. Rich people look to successful people for advice — poor people listen to everyone’s advice.
3. Rich people think about new ways to provide value — poor people think about making a quick buck.
4. Rich people educate themselves about money, investing. — poor people escape into entertainment.
5. Rich people multiply their money by investing — poor people only think about working for money.
6. Rich people live within their budget — poor people make impulsive buys to impress others.
7. Rich people focus on creating an upward spiral in their life — poor people stay in a misery loop.
8. Rich people find successful people to network with — poor people spend time with broke people.
9. Rich people know wealth is built long-term — poor people want the money tomorrow.
10. Rich people plan their expenses — poor people have no clue.