111-Year-Old Woman Credits This 3-Ingredient Drink for Her Longevity: “I Never Go to the Doctor”

At 111 years old, Angelina Torres Vallbona is the oldest living person in Span and the 74th oldest person in the world. She’s lived through the Spanish Civil War and WWII and has one daughter, two grandchildren, and three great-grandchildren. She’s also in incredibly good health......CONTINUE READING THE ARTICLE FROM THE SOURCE>>>>>

“Doctors haven’t had to work much with me,” she told the Stewartville Star. “I’ve had minor issues, like bad colds that I cured with aspirin, but doctors never come to my home.” And it’s a simple, three-ingredient morning beverage that she credits for her longevity.

Vallbona starts her days with this simple routine.

When she wakes up, Vallbona drinks a glass of water with a few drops of lemon juice and a teaspoon of sugar, which she says may contribute to her longevity.

Drinking water first thing in the morning is often touted for its health benefits, as the body is dehydrated after sleeping. In fact, a 2020 study published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health found that participants who drank one glass of water upon waking up had improved thirst, fatigue, and mood. Those who drank two glasses also had improved working memory.

Adding lemon juice to the water provides additional nutrients. For example, one lemon contains 30 to 40 mg of vitamin C. According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), most men should aim to get 90 mg per day of vitamin C, while women should aim for 75 mg.

In addition to strengthening your immune system, Montse Folcha, MD, tells Vogue that vitamin C “is necessary for the proper functioning of blood vessels, for the health of bones, teeth and skin. It also helps with the formation of collagen, as well as enhancing the appearance of skin and proper wound healing.”

As for the teaspoon of sugar, most doctors say that this can actually lead to unhealthy spikes in blood sugar after the overnight fast. However, if you do like a little sweetness, it’s always preferable to have pure cane sugar over artificial sweeteners or drinks containing added sugars.

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For her part, Vallbona shared with La Vanguardia, “I never go to the doctor.”

“Once a year they do a blood test and everything comes out fabulous. She’s perfectly healthy,” confirmed her daughter Mercè.

But she doesn’t shy away from a little indulgence.

However, Vallbona hasn’t stopped enjoying life’s little pleasures.

“I have the habit of eating a little ice cream every day,” she told La Vanguardia. During the summer, she has a chocolate Magnum every day at 4 p.m.

And come Christmas, she always makes her famous cannelloni, the recipe for which she’s now passing on to her granddaughter.

She also values community and keeping busy.

Vallbona told the Stewartville Star that she also values social connections and making time for her loved ones.

“I’ve always had many friends who loved me dearly,” she said. “I’ve laughed a lot with people and always enjoyed my family life.”

But it’s not just her own friends and family who are important to her. “When I hear someone complaining, I always help. When a person falls, I rush to pick them up. That’s just how I am, with open hands, not closed, always open, I like to help,” she shared with La Vanguardia.

And ever since she started working as a seamstress apprentice at age 15, she’s kept busy, eventually working as a tie maker.

“I really enjoy working and keeping busy,” she added to La Vanguardia, admitting that she finds it difficult to be slowing down.

Despite all of Vallbona’s positive life choices, her longevity could also be partly due to good genes. According to the Stewartville Star, her mother lived to 100, and her sister to 93.