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Long term effect of diabetes: What you should know......CONTINUE READING THE ARTICLE FROM THE SOURCE>>>>>

Diabetes is a disease that in broad terms can be referred as the failure of maintaining normal glucose levels in the blood. Generally, diabetes may require control day by day, but it is true that one must know its effects on his health if he fails to treat or an inappropriate management of it.

So, diabetes can cause some serious complications that will affect many parts of your body if left untreated. Let’s discuss those effects in simple ways, which will be helpful for you to gain control over your health and live a full, active life.

1. Heart and Blood Vessel Problems

For many years, high blood sugar can damage blood vessels and raise the risk of heart diseases. This may eventually result in complications like heart attack, stroke, and hypertension. The irony of life is that diabetes patients are at a higher risk for the disease as well; therefore, maintaining blood sugar within control is essential for having a healthy heart.

2. Damage to Nerves (Neuropathy)

It will eventually ruin the nerves in your body if you have a chronic high blood sugar. Neuropathy causes numbness, tingling, and pain that frequently manifest themselves in feet, legs, and hands. In some instances, the condition may compromise the digestive system, manifesting signs such as nausea, bloating, and other gastrointestinal discomforts. Maintaining your blood sugar at a manageable level may prevent or at least postpone nerve damage.

3. Kidney Damage (Nephropathy)

Your kidneys must do a lot of work to filter out the waste material in your blood. However, diabetes damages tiny blood vessels in your kidneys, and that makes the kidneys work even harder than is necessary. If you allow kidney damage to continue, you are going to end up with kidney disease, which may even mean a complete failure of your kidneys and a treatment called dialysis. Proper management of your diabetes protects your kidneys.

4. Eye Problems

Diabetes damages your blood vessels in your eyes further, which causes diabetic retinopathy. It blurs your vision as it causes its damage on your retina. It leads to absolute darkness if the problem is not treated. The risk of cataract and glaucoma is also higher in people who suffer from diabetes. So proper checkup in your eyes is highly necessary to observe any problem arising due to diabetes at early stages.

5. Foot Problems

Diabetes causes poor circulation and nerve damage in your feet, where infections are easily initiated but difficult to treat. Small cuts or blisters can become serious problems easily. In the worst cases, diabetes can sometimes lead you to go for the amputation of foot parts if not checked on time. So, effective care for your feet and visiting a doctor if you feel that something is not right is fundamentally important.

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6. Skin Infections

Diabetes patients are very prone to minor, but even serious, infections of the skin. Very high blood sugar levels damage your body’s immune system, making it more difficult for your body to fight an infection. You may feel dryness or itchiness on your skin. Maintaining good hygiene and hydration helps minimize such dilemmas.

7. Problems with Memory and Thinking

Did you know diabetes can affect your brain too? Over time, it may have contributed to why many people have episodes of memory loss and diagnosed with the condition known as “diabetic dementia”-and contributes to your ability to think clearly. The closer you keep your blood sugar in check over the long term, the healthier your brain will be.

8. Gum Disease

It can even predispose you to gum diseases that may lead to sore and inflamed gums, bad breath, and eventual tooth loss if such is not attended to properly. Observe proper oral hygiene with regular brushing and attend check-ups by your dentist.

9. Sexual Health Issues

Diabetes can cause sexual health issues both in men and women. Shallow, rapid erections can develop in men due to nerve damage or insufficient blood circulation. A decrease in libido may develop in women. All these complications are controlled if proper treatment is provided. If you have such a problem, consult your doctor.

How to Prevent Long-Term Complications

The good news is that all these complications can be avoided or risk lowered if well managed. Here is how you can manage your diabetes to minimize the risk of complications:

Manage your diabetes by monitoring your blood sugar and maintaining it at the target level set by your doctor.

Enjoy a healthy balanced diet meant to regulate your blood sugar, such as vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins.

Exercise regularly so that you can maintain a healthy weight and improve your body’s use of insulin.

Take all prescribed medications, and you should regularly see your health-care providers to reassess treatment.

Regularly visit your doctor, dentist, and eye care professional to look for problems before they develop.


Though diabetes may indeed cause serious effects in the long run, this condition undoubtedly makes a great deal of difference in your health and lifestyle if you take proper measures to care for the condition. You can avoid complication and enjoy a healthy life with awareness, proper care for one’s body, and close work with a healthcare team. The earlier you act, the better for you, and more chance you have of not having complications related to diabetes later in life.