4 Health Benefits Of Walnut You Don’t Know - AZNews

4 Health Benefits Of Walnut You Don’t Know

It is funny when I see people calling walnut a dirty plant not knowing how the so called “dirty plant” can benefit their health. However, walnuts benefit and promote heart health, reduce the risk of certain cancers, support brain function, decrease inflammation, and boost immune health. They also help delay skin aging, moisturize the skin, reduce dark circles, and promote scalp health.....KINDLY READ THE FULL STORY HERE▶

A clinical trial of 119 participants that analyzed the effects of nut consumption on sexual function in healthy cisgender males was published in the journal Nutrients in 2019.

The researchers found that over 14 weeks, males who ate about two servings (two ounces) of a nut mixture daily as part of a Western-style diet experienced a significant increase in orgasmic function and sexual desire.

The mixture comprised 50% walnuts, 25% almonds, and 25% hazelnuts.

The effect of walnuts on the quality of semen was assessed in a study published in Biology of Reproduction in 2012.

Of the 117 participants in this study, the ones who ate walnuts saw an improvement in sperm vitality (the percentage of live sperm in a sample), motility (the ability of sperm to move), and morphology (the structure and form of sperm) compared to participants who continued eating a Western-style diet without nuts.

Building on previous animal studies, researchers assessed the effects of breast cancer growth in cisgender females in a 2019 study published in Nutrition Research.

In the trial, cisgender females with breast lumps were randomly assigned to consume either two ounces of walnuts per day or no walnuts for two to three weeks before surgery.

Initial biopsy samples were compared to those obtained when the lumps were removed.

Scientists found that walnut consumption altered the expression of over 450 genes in the tumors in ways that could suppress cancer growth and improve survival outcomes.

Walnuts also contain many other potential antitumor compounds, and consistently eating walnuts can produce anticancer effects, according to a study published in Toxins in 2018.

While more research is needed in this area, the results are promising.

Black walnuts can also be a source of bioactive compounds with an anti-cancer effect.

The findings of a 2020 study published in Molecules support the anticancer activities black walnuts may have.

These effects are attributed to the phenolic compounds in black walnuts.

The above study was not the only one to find that walnuts can lower blood pressure.

In a 2019 study, published in Journal of the American Heart Association, researchers found that when study subjects ate whole walnuts, they experienced greater benefits than when they consumed a diet with a similar fatty acid profile without walnuts.

Outcomes included a reduction in central diastolic blood pressure (the pressure that moves towards the heart), and positive changes to cholesterol profiles.

Scientists say the study is an example of how a relatively small eating change can result in significant cardiovascular benefits.

Eating walnuts may help slow cognitive decline in at-risk groups of older adults, according to a 2020 study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

Researchers randomly assigned over 600 elder adults to either a diet with 15% of calories from walnuts or a control diet without walnuts.

While the walnuts did not affect the cognitive function of healthy subjects, brain MRIs showed that the nuts had a greater effect on higher-risk people, including heavier smokers and those with lower baseline neuropsychological test scores.

And not only do those polyphenolic compounds in walnuts reduce oxidants and inflammation in brain cells, but they also can help you form new brain cells and increase signaling between brain cells, according to a 2014 study published in The Journal of Nutrition.

Walnut can influence the brain in other ways as well.

A 2020 review published in Current Pharmaceutical Design reported that walnuts have also shown promising results in improving memory.

And this review also suggests that the various fats, proteins, fibers, minerals, and trace elements in nuts work synergistically, meaning they work together to create these effects.

The good news is that walnuts pair well with a wide variety of foods, from sweet to salty.

Here are some suggestions for bringing walnuts to your table.

For a healthy snack, pair walnuts with fresh fruit, dip them into melted dark chocolate or incorporate them into energy balls.

Add walnut to smoothies or overnight oats at breakfast, sprinkle them onto black bean or lentil soup at lunch, and include them in recipes like veggie tacos and stir-fries at dinner.

After reading about the various health benefits of this all-rounder, you may be wondering how to incorporate more walnuts into your diet.

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