4 Things You Are Doing That Make You Look Older Than Your Age

The only thing in life that is certain to happen to each and every one of us is getting older. It is a normal process that we must all go through, but there are times when it can claim the confidence of a great number of men and women who wish to look as young as they did when they were in their prime......Read The Full Article>>.....Read The Full Article>>

Some activities age us.

This article highlights some of our lifestyles that age us.

1.Frowning Ages You

Frowning requires eyebrows and forehead wrinkles. Frowning expresses disappointment. Faces age. Grin. From today, we recommend you to stop calling and being front for tiny incidents in your life. This will substantially reduce your engine specs and make you better.


Headaches age. Avoid neck-staring at laptops, phones, and computers. After this incident, turn off your phone. So, turn off your phone at night to sleep and plan the next day.

Sleeping on Makeup

Makeup accelerates aging. Wash your face before bed to prevent breakouts and clogged pores.

Not Getting Enough Sleep

Sleep deprivation will show on your face. Poor sleep is linked to aging, skin barrier dysfunction, and lower self-esteem. The National Sleep Foundation advises these four tips for a good night’s sleep. They involve sleeping and waking at the same time every day.
