6 Natural Ways To Deal With Stretch Marks

According to Healthline, a stretch mark is a scar that forms when the skin is rapidly stretched or contracted. Our skin’s supporting collagen and elastin are torn as a result of the sudden shift. Stretch marks could show up when the skin recovers......Read The Full Article>>.....Read The Full Article>>

The appearance of stretch marks varies from person to person. The length of time you’ve had them, their origin, where they appear on your body, and your skin type are all factors. The stomach, breasts, hips, boobies, and thighs are the most common locations for their appearance.

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According to Healthline, stretch marks are not gender specific and can happen to everyone. On the other hand, they tend to crop up throughout pregnancy and adolescence. Although stretch marks aren’t hazardous or uncomfortable, some people nonetheless find them aesthetically unpleasing. As a result, we’ll be discussing some all-natural remedies below.

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1. Use Aloe Vera Gel

For centuries, people have relied on aloe vera for its miraculous curative effects. It promotes the growth of new skin cells, which in turn helps to eliminate scarring. A fresh gel extracted from a leaf can be massaged into the skin for 15–20 minutes. Try doing it twice a day to maximize your effectiveness.

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