7 Ways to Tell If You’re a Humble Person

Many people identify as humble but don’t realize the role that humility plays in their lives. Humility is a powerful character trait that allows one to be grounded, grateful, and genuine in oneself. Being humble doesn’t mean being modest about one’s accomplishments or being shy about who you are inside and out. What it does mean is recognizing your strengths without turning your back on your weaknesses— which sounds like a pretty good definition of self-confidence to me! So even though it’s not always easy, try your best to be humble in the face of praise for all you’ve done......Read The Full Article>>.....Read The Full Article>>

Now that we’ve got somewhat of a definition of what it means to be humble established, let’s get down to the list of ways you can tell if someone’s a humble person.

There’s something very powerful and liberating about saying “thank you” to those who give praise. Asking for credit is fine but seeking praise when it isn’t deserved is the vicious cycle of arrogance; one where humility (and in turn, self-confidence) goes out the window.

I want to let you in on a little secret: humility is nothing more than self-confidence. Confidence and humility share a lot of the same characteristics and they’re both very attractive qualities. People naturally gravitate towards others who have these qualities, so it’s important to be humble in order to meet new people and make connections with them.

While credit is great, humility also teaches us that at the end of the day mistakes are what makes us human — not perfect beings without flaws. Mistakes are a part of life — that’s why we all have them. The only difference is how we treat them.

When you make a mistake, don’t be afraid to point it out. Doing so builds self-confidence in the most important part of yourself: your ability to learn and grow. If you’re able to accept your mistakes, then you’ve already learned something from the experience. In order to live life with humility, one must be able to take responsibility for their actions (which means admitting when they’ve done something wrong).

The older we get, the more we forget what it felt like to be a “kid.” While it’s true that success comes with age and that people often become wiser with age, it doesn’t mean one has to earn their success. In fact, there’s nothing more empowering than stepping into your own power — whether that’s through hard work or by making no excuses for yourself.

Those who seek validation will always be insecure and subservient followers of society. By putting yourself above the needs of others, you have a better chance of meeting your own needs. When you’re humble, you can find peace within yourself because you know that nobody else is responsible for making you happy.

You don’t get stuck on stupid stories or gossip no matter who they come from or how many times they’re repeated in the media (or other places). A person with a humble spirit is always ready to be taught something new and then move on believing that it was just a learning experience. Humility means understanding that everyone has their own story and should live their life how they want — without judgment from others.

Being humble doesn’t mean being lazy or too busy to help others. If you’re ever in a situation where assistance is needed, whether it be in the form of money, advice, or even experience — accept your responsibilities and help othersout. The sooner we come together and work as one as opposed to separate from each other in our own ways, the sooner we can move forward as a whole (and stop waiting for someone else to solve our problems).

It’s easy to become focused on how things should be (or how we want them to be) and forget that life doesn’t always work out the way we want it to. Even if you do everything right, some things will end up falling through the cracks. But, by accepting this fact and looking at all the effort you put in as a gift instead of a wasted time — you’re able to stop focusing on what didn’t work out and open up more time for what could.
Studies have shown that being humble is good for a person and they’re more likely to be successful. People who are modest are more likely to make a positive impression on others. Research has also shown that people who express modesty tend to be happier than those who show off their achievements.