After My Husband Death, All His Friends Forcefully Slept With Me As My Children – Woman Painfully Narrates

Marriage is a legally recognized union between two individuals, typically based on mutual love, commitment, and often accompanied by a ceremony or celebration. A woman in Uganda, a 28-year-old virgin, has amazed many after revealing that she gave birth to a child without being touched or engaging in sexual intercourse with any man.....KINDLY READ THE FULL STORY HERE▶

Suzan, narrated that she was only 16 years old at that time when she started feeling unwell and went to the hospital.

Doctors examined her and discovered that she was pregnant, which surprised everyone since she was a virgin and had never slept with any man. She said,

“When I was 16 years old, I found myself pregnant. My mother asked me about the pregnancy, and I denied it. … The child has never asked me about their father, but when the time comes, they will, and I will tell them the truth that I got pregnant without a husband.”

Suzan admits that she has never been with a man, and even now, at the age of 28, she has never had any sexual encounters with anyone. People in her village call her ‘Maria, the mother of Jesus’ because of her astounding story.

Her parents were shocked and couldn’t believe what happened to their daughter, getting pregnant without having sexual intercourse with a man, and their concerns were confirmed at the hospital.

What’s even more astonishing is that the doctors also confirmed that she had never engaged in sexual intercourse and that she was still a virgin despite being pregnant. She said,

This astonishing event left many with numerous unanswered questions, as the only human believed to have conceived without engaging in sexual intercourse is Mary, the mother of Jesus, as mentioned in the Holy Bible, where she is said to have conceived through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Various theories were put forward to explain this incident. Some speculated that while the girls were swimming in the river, there might have been men swimming as well, and some of them might have engaged in self-stimulation, leaving their semen in the water.

After the girl dived into the water, she came into contact with that semen, which miraculously caused her to become pregnant.

According to the account, there was no concrete evidence to support this theory, but it was adopted simply to satisfy the community and provide an explanation for the extraordinary pregnancy.

Although she and her parents accepted what had happened, neighbors, relatives, and friends were not at ease, and some stigmatized her for getting pregnant at a young age.

Nevertheless, the woman persevered and continued with her life, eventually finding a man to love and live with.

Now, she encourages other young women who find themselves in challenging situations without clear answers to stay strong and hopeful.

When such a situation befalls you, you must not lose hope. Embrace your child, raise them, and protect them. You cannot understand; a child is a blessing, and I don’t understand why some girls find themselves pregnant, and the first thing that comes to their minds is abortion,” she advises.

The young woman emphasizes that the toughest puzzle she has is unraveling who the father of her child is, and she cannot picture the day her child will ask her that question.

“It’s a very tough puzzle, although my child hasn’t asked me that question yet, I am sure they will someday. I can’t say who gave me the pregnancy because many men were swimming in the river where we used to live. I have tried going there several times to see if I can find a man who resembles my child, but I have never found anyone who looks like them,” she said.

“If I could find someone who resembles my child, I would ask them to do a DNA test, and even if they don’t provide parenting support, I would find solace in knowing that my child will have someone to call their father. Now that my child is 11 years old and attending school, if the father comes, I won’t allow him to take my child, but I will accept any support in raising them,” she added.