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Jecinta has narrated how her husband, whom she met in a church, started beating her while she was sick two months after she got married to him. According to her, she had come from Dubai and was fervently praying to ...

Helina has narrated how her bishop slept with her after she went to pray for her husband, who was beating her a lot for no good reason. She says that her husband was from the Akurino church, but he used ...

Florence has narrated how her husband slept with her two days after she gave birth, and after she complained, he told her the reason why he married her. According to her, she met her husband when she was working as ...

Florence, who is in her mid-50s, has narrated how her husband slept with her niece, who was nursing her at their home. After she found out, he threw her out of the house they had built together. According to her, ...

Lydia, a mother of five kids, has narrated how, after her husband died due to HIV, his and her family rejected her, saying she was the one who infected him, yet she is negative. According to her, she met her ...

Irene has narrated how her husband slept with their house girl, and after she forgave him and chased away the girl, he later slept with a lady who had four kids who were washing their clothes. According to Irene, she ...

Ruben has narrated how his father slept with his wife three days after he married her. He says that he will never forgive his father for betraying him. According to him, he was born with some disabilities in her hands ...

A lady by the name of Hilda from has painfully narrated how her husband left her with three kids and went to stay with his sugar mummy. She slept with her husband’s friend to get money to feed her kids. ...

A Lady has painfully narrated how her mother didn’t listen to her when she complained that her stepfather was sleeping with her. Her mother told her that her only aim was to destroy her marriage. Her mother had been married ...

Susan, a mother of two, has recounted how her pastor asked if he could bring anointing oil to her house, and she accepted. When he arrived, he slept with her, and she became pregnant. According to Susan, she got married ...

A lady by the name of Mary has narrated how her husband chased her away 2 days after sleeping with her, without any reason, and she got pregnant. According to Mary, after she completed high school, she started to work ...

A young lady by the name Pesh has painfully narrated how she caught her husband and her younger sister sending nudes to each other and came to know that he was sleeping with her behind her back in their room. ...

Reasons you forget things easily even when you are not old and some ways to overcome it. Reasons you may forget things easily include: Stress and anxiety: Stressful situations can interfere with your ability to focus and recall information. Sleep ...

Amlodipine is a medication used to treat hypertension (high blood pressure) and angina (chest pain caused by reduced blood flow to the heart). It belongs to a class of drugs called calcium channel blockers, which work by relaxing the blood ...

There are several early signs of diabetes that can be noticeable in the eyes, skin, and legs. These include: -Blurred vision: High blood sugar levels can cause the lens of the eye to swell, resulting in blurred vision. -Dark, velvety ...

1. Being too aggressive or pushy: pressuring a woman to engage in sexual activity before she is ready can be a major turn-off. 2. Focusing too much on physical appearance: making comments about a woman’s body or appearance can make ...

1. Changes in appetite and weight – Depression can cause changes in appetite leading to weight loss or gain. Some people lose their appetite and lose weight, while others may experience an increase in appetite leading to weight gain. 2. ...

Mosquito is one of the most dangerous insects in the world because of the diseases it carries, including malaria. Malaria is one of the most deadly diseases in the world. It has caused the deaths of over million deaths so ...

Carrots are one of the most commonly overlooked vegetables in the modern diet. We often think of them as a boring vegetable that doesn’t really offer much of a health benefit. But if you’re looking to regulate your blood pressure, ...

Over the years the practice of some women getting to drink water and salt after engaging in intercourse has been believed to be a natural “home-made remedy” for preventing pregnancy, however, in this article, we are going to examine how ...