Bandits have once again struck terror into the heart of the Garu Kurama community, kidnapping the district head, Yakubu Jadi, his daughter, a dedicated Catechist of the Catholic Church and four other residents of Gurzan Kurama village.....KINDLY READ THE FULL STORY HERE▶
As of this report, authorities in Kaduna State are yet to confirm the incident. However, the Southern Kaduna Peoples Union (SOKAPU) has shed light on the matter, with public relations officer Josiah Abraks stating that the abductions occurred during a night of dread on Friday, August 23, 2024.
The bandits have not reached out to the victims’ families, leaving them to grapple with uncertainty and fear. SOKAPU condemned the incident as both alarming and distressing, urgently calling on security agencies and local authorities to step up their efforts for the swift and safe return of the abducted individuals.
The organization has also implored the Federal Government to intensify its measures to protect the lives and property of citizens. In a time of increasing vulnerability, they urged communities to band together, remain vigilant against unfamiliar faces and activities in their neighborhoods, and to promptly report any suspicious occurrences to the proper authorities.