When women have feelings for someone, their behavior often reflects their emotional investment and interest. Here are ten things that women might do when they have feelings for you:....KINDLY READ THE FULL STORY HERE▶
1. Initiate Contact: Women who like you will often reach out first. They might text or call just to check in or start a conversation. This proactive behavior shows they are thinking about you and value your connection.
2. Seek Your Opinion: If she frequently asks for your opinion or advice on various matters, it indicates that she values your thoughts and feels comfortable sharing her concerns with you. This can range from decisions about work to personal matters.
3. Remember Small Details: Women often remember and bring up small details or preferences you’ve mentioned in past conversations. This shows that she pays attention and is invested in understanding you better.
4. Make Time for You: She will prioritize spending time with you, even if it means adjusting her schedule. Whether it’s making plans or rearranging existing commitments, this effort highlights her desire to be around you.
5. Engage in Deep Conversations: If she engages in more meaningful and intimate conversations, it reflects her interest in developing a deeper connection. She will likely share more about her life and ask about yours
6. Show Physical Affection: Physical touch, such as gentle touches or hugs, can be a sign of affection. It’s her way of expressing closeness and comfort in your presence.
7. Compliment You: Genuine compliments about your appearance, personality, or achievements are a way for her to express admiration and appreciation. These compliments are often tailored to what she truly finds admirable about you.
8. Introduce You to Her Circle: Introducing you to friends and family signifies that she sees a potential future with you and wants the important people in her life to meet you.
9. Support Your Interests: She will show interest in your hobbies and passions, whether that means joining you in activities you love or simply supporting your endeavors. This support demonstrates that she cares about your happiness.
10. Express Jealousy: While excessive jealousy isn’t healthy, mild signs of jealousy can indicate that she cares about you and is emotionally invested. It reflects that she is concerned about losing you to someone else.
These behaviors reflect a genuine emotional connection and a desire to build a meaningful relationship. If you notice these signs, it’s a strong indication that her feelings for you run deeper than mere friendship.