Fatigue: These Grandmother Remedies that Help Sleep Better

Do you have trouble falling asleep in the evening and your nights are not restful but you certainly do not want to use sleeping pills? Here’s a small selection of the best grandmother tricks and remedies to get back to restful sleep......Read The Full Article>>.....Read The Full Article>>

A bath with water of lettuce…

Boil the most beautiful leaves of a lettuce and press them into the cooking water. Add this water to your bath: lettuce is a light hypnotic with no side effects.

Or a lime bath

Discard 500 g of dry flowers and lime leaves in 2 litres of water. Heat and allow to boil for 5 minutes. Filter and add this decoction to the bath water. This recipe also helps children sleep.

An infusion of hawthorn

Infuse for 15 minutes a teaspoon of flanked eeschscholtzia or a tablespoon of hawthorn petals in a cup of hot water.
Filter and drink at bedtime.

Chamomile on the night table

Keep a small bottle of Roman chamomile essential oil at hand on the night table. In the evening, before turning off your light, open the bottle and breathe it 5 or 6 times by filling your lungs, as calmly as possible.

Cotton between the toes

Place a piece of cotton wool soaked in sweet almond oil between the big toe and its neighbor. Cover your feet with socks so as not to soil the sheets. As, in addition, being cold in your feet prevents you from sleeping, you will fall much better.

Lavender under the pillow

A sachet of dried lavender under the pillow soothes the nervousness. If this is not enough, you can also massage your temples with fine lavender essential oil a few minutes before going to bed.

A sock filled with rice

Two hours before you go to bed, place a sock filled with rice in the freezer. At bedtime, place this sock at the back of the knees, at the ankles, inside the elbows or on the forehead. This helps to lower body temperature and heart rate.
Honey and vinegar

Before going to bed, choose a honey “all flowers” or a honey from orange or lavender and mix two teaspoons with two teaspoons of cider vinegar.

Dilute everything in a glass of water. Drink two teaspoons at bedtime and wake up at night.

One cup of hot milk

Heat milk and pour into a cup on a tablespoon of orange blossoms. Allow to infuse for 10 minutes under a lid. Filter and sugar with orange flower honey to enhance the relaxing effect of warm milk. This recipe is particularly recommended in case of anxiety or palpitations.

Australia’s recipe for good sleep

According to Australian scientists, wearing wool pajamas would allow longer and deeper sleep.

Wearing wool pajamas instead of cotton pajamas would save 15 minutes of sleep, according to an Australian study. This is not really surprising, because wool regulates your body temperature much better and keeps you in what is known as the ‘thermal comfort zone’.

So you don’t fall asleep faster, but you sleep longer and your sleep is more restorative.