From The Stadium To Employment: Finding A Job Through Sports

JOB. Finding a job by playing badminton with your future boss… The idea may make you smile, but it is exactly the concept of the operation “From the stadium to employment”, which took place Thursday June 20, at the Sociocultural Center ......Read The Full Article>>.....Read The Full Article>>

CV, cover letter, exchange with a recruiter in an office that is often cold and impersonal… Going for a job interview is stressful. So France Travail has come up with “From the stadium to employment”, an operation to create a meeting between employers and job seekers, in a much less formal setting: that of sports practice.

Thursday, June 20, 120 job seekers and around twenty recruiters met at the gymnasium of the Sociocultural Center, with this particularity: no one knows who is who. Job seekers and recruiters are only identified by a simple first name. An anonymity that allows you to discover yourself differently, without barriers, around a sport. Employers can discreetly observe the behavior of job seekers, their way of working in a team, their motivation, etc.

After athletics in 2022, badminton was in the spotlight for this new edition, with various workshops throughout the morning to highlight cooperation, concentration, speed, precision… And In the afternoon, the masks fell. Everyone resumed their role for a job dating. The morning teammate has become the potential future boss. And it works. According to France Travail, last year, across the country, “45% of applicants found a job, three months after their participation”.
