Ghanaian police arrested Akuapem Poloo after she shared photos of herself and her son on social media. Following her detention, she said that several celebrities launched a campaign using the hashtag “free Poloo,” but she feared that some of them actually wanted her imprisoned......Read The Full Article>>.....Read The Full Article>>
Regardless, she thanked God for the fact that many of these celebrities are now dealing with legal troubles.
Poloo’s images aroused outrage and led to her being charged with inappropriate behaviour and violating child protection regulations. Some celebrities’ support felt false to her, as if they were more concerned with their public image than truly standing by her side during her experience.
Poloo, on the other hand, took comfort in the fact that karma had caught up with these superstars, who were embroiled in their own legal problems.
She saw this as divine justice and a confirmation of her beliefs about their true motivations.
Despite the difficulties she encountered, Poloo remained strong and proclaimed her confidence in a higher force.
She saw the turn of events as proof that those who want harm on others frequently meet their own repercussions. Throughout it all, she was grateful for the sincere support of people who stood by her side during her terrible period.
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