I Sold My ONLY Baby for 250k to Satisfy My Alcohol Addiction After My Husband Did This – Lady Emotionally Shares Her Biggest Regret (Video)

We are all created in the image and likeness of the Almighty, and in His eyes, we are equal. Faiza, a woman who once grappled with the demons of addiction, has emerged as a beacon of hope for others. Her journey is a testament to resilience and transformation.....KINDLY READ THE FULL STORY HERE▶

Faiza’s academic prospects shone brightly when she scored an impressive 463 out of 700 marks in her exams. The dream of attending one of the top secondary schools filled her heart with joy. However, financial constraints shattered her dreams. Her mother couldn’t afford the school fees, and with her father no longer alive, Faiza’s path diverged from the one she had envisioned—a future as a medical doctor.

At the tender age of 14, Faiza’s life took a dark turn. She befriended a woman who introduced her to her brother. This man, in turn, introduced Faiza to alcohol. Initially, it was soda laced with a little alcohol, but soon, the alcohol took center stage. Faiza became an addict, her life spiraling into chaos. She not only battled alcohol but also indulged in bhang, miraa, cigarettes, and other hard drugs. Desperate to feed her addiction, she resorted to shoplifting and even engaged in commercial sex work.

The turning point arrived in 2015 when Faiza was compelled into rehabilitation. Her journey to sobriety was arduous, marked by struggle and determination. She emerged from the abyss, transformed by her experiences. Today, she stands as an addiction counselor at the Sergeant Saviour Mentorship, Empowerment, and Counselling Centre (SSmecc). Here, she guides hundreds of addicts back to sobriety, sharing her wisdom and empathy.

Faiza’s story is one of redemption—a phoenix rising from the ashes. Now 40 years old, she not only dreams of pursuing her own education but also advocates tirelessly against rampant alcoholism and substance abuse.