Jinja RDC convenes emergency security meeting following weekend resurgence of panga-wielding thugs

MEMBERS of the Jinja District Security Committee (DSC) which brings together all the top managers of the police, prison and army as well as the political heads and the DISO will sit for an emergency meeting to discuss the security situation in the district.....KINDLY READ THE FULL STORY HERE▶

The RDC Richard Gulume says apart from the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) as the chief executive and the LC5 who always attend by virtue of their positions, this time round all LC3 chairpersons have also been invited.

“…the meeting is first of all to reawaken everyone, we want to discuss with the stakeholders including the grass root leaders to come out with strategies and mechanisms of handling the situation because security is everyone’s responsibility…”,the very experienced Richard Gulume explained.

The team is expected to resolve to intensify on community policing by the police so that residents remain vigilant and promptly monitor and report people with dubious characters for timely intervention.

The police has already enhanced patrols both foot and motorised in some areas especially in Bugembe Town Council where the thugs use as their ‘tactful base’ to plan attacks in other areas.

Residents will also be encouraged to revive the once vibrant village security committees in all areas as one way of increased vigilance and surveillance.

The meeting slated for this Wednesday 15th May, 2024 follows a simultaneous attack by suspected thugs which has resulted into the death of two people identified as Joseph Kitawu Ssalongo and Charles Madilu Junior.

Kitwau of Mawoito died shortly from the deep cut wounds inflicted on him by the so called Bijambya boys while Charles Madilu of Mutai died Monday night from Mulago National Hospital in Kampala.

He was buried on Wednesday afternoon in a somber ceremony attended by a big crowd of mourners.

The third victim Brian Mwandale the Buwenge Sub County Speaker is still fighting for his life at the Jinja Regional Referral Hospital where health workers say he is out of danger.

Such an attack by machete-wielding boys has not been a common occurrence in the rural areas, where residents seem more relaxed and it was not a surprise that the thugs have exploited the lapse to spill blood of innocent citizens.

The issue of the so-called Bijambya boys hit headlines last year when murders and robbery became the order of the day in Bugembe Town Council where scores have perished.

The memory of promising journalist Rogers Kifubangabo(RIP) son of the Busoga Kingdom Information Minister Michael Kifubangabo,33 year old weightlifter Prossy Nyanga who was attached to Black Monster Gym Kakindu, both victims of stabbing, among others still linger in the minds of many city residents.

A few months ago, Alexander Isabirye a retired head teacher who served in many schools like Mwiri Boys Primary School and Nakanyonyi Primary School died shortly after he waylaid and attacked by some unknown thugs while enroute to the Church for morning devotion.

Veteran Journalist-turned businessman Tom Kalumula survived by the mercy of God when the thugs made a daring attack by literally smashing and dismantling all the burglar proof window panes where they gained entry and ransacked the Nakanyonyi -based 8 roomed house clean.

Kalumula was lucky to be alive because of some reasonable amount of cash and expensive electronics but more interesting was the variety of drinks including whisky which melted the heart of the thugs.

Areas like Wanyama Road, Budumbili, Nakanyonyi, Bwekula, Mafubira, Wairaka, Wanyange and Kakira Town Council have since been labeled as Dark Spots for criminal activities.

In mid last year (2023) the issue attracted widespread concern which prompted the then Deputy Inspector general of Police (DIGP) now acting IGP Maj Gen Geoffrey Katsigazi Tumusiime to rush to Jinja where politicians and the police were trading accusations.

Addressing reporters after the close door meeting held at the Uganda Civil Service College, Maj Gen Tumusiime said they discussed and looked at the underlying issues using what he termed “a security lense”, as opposed to mixing with local politics that have always intertwined in many things in the city.