Menopause: What are the first signs that should you know?

Menopause is an inevitable stage in a woman’s life and this phenomenon is sometimes accompanied by unpleasant symptoms. To better prepare, it is essential to be able to identify the first signs.....KINDLY READ THE FULL STORY HERE▶

The menopause is an essential step in a woman’s life, and its main consequence is the stopping of the reproductive cycle. The menopausal woman ceases to be fertile and in turn, it is also the end of menstruation. Although menopause is not a disease, it can nevertheless have serious physical and psychological repercussions on women. It is therefore important to prepare well for this phenomenon with greater serenity.

The warning signs of menopause

Irregularity of the menstrual cycle

Menopause is usually preceded by a period called perimenopause. This is a period during which the woman’s menstrual cycle becomes irregular. In some cases it is shorter and in others it is longer. This period lasts between one and four years and is characterized by less efficient functioning of the ovaries. It is a warning sign of the menopause. Perimenopause may occur in the event of early menopause or late menopause. However, the question remains, when can it be said that a woman is ménopauséemenopausal?

Termination of the rules

All women are familiar with the concept of the biological clock. This is because women are born with a limited stock of oocytes, the number of which continues to decrease over time. Whenever a woman has her body, the reserve of oocytes in her ovaries decreases. If this reserve were to run out, there would be no more menstruation. The cessation of the rules therefore marks the end of the menstrual cycle and the beginning of menopause. As Biba Magazine mentions, menopause is considered to be settled in a woman when the latter has already been for 12 months without menstruation.

How to determine your menopausal age?

Contrary to popular belief, one cannot predict at what age a woman will be postmenopausal on the basis of the age she was at the age she had at her early menstruation. On the other hand, it can be said with certainty that heredity is the most reliable indicator. In other words, based on the age your mother was at the beginning of her menopause, you can know at what age yours will start. However, you should not expect to be menopause at the same age as your mother. This may take place one or two years before or after. Furthermore, it is important to make it clear that tobacco is an early menopausal factor. As a result, a woman who smokes is more likely to be delayed quickly than someone who does not smoke.

Side effects of menopausal

The physical consequences

Menopause can have significant consequences for the woman’s body. With the drop in oestrogen production, it is common to see postmenopausal women taking a few pounds. Fats concentrate and become embedded around the abdominal and chest. This also creates a complex in postmenopausal women, according to a study by Ifop. In addition to weight gain, hair loss is often noted, since the latter become drier. According to some specialists, menopause can have an impact on the quality of vision.

Psychological consequences

The negative effects of menopause on women’s psychiatry are not to be taken lightly. This is because menopause can cause a woman’s mood disorder. It can become aggressive, anxious or at the somewhat depressed limit. Some women are locked into silence, because they are not living through this stage of their lives, which is changing their habits. Others are worried about their sexuality, but they do not dare to ask for advice.

Unpleasant symptoms

As a reminder, menopause is not a disease and therefore there is no vaccine or cure for it. However, various treatments will enable you to combat the perverse effects of this phenomenon. These include hormonal treatment to relieve hot flushes and local treatment to alleviate vaginal dryness. Some women prefer to turn to a natural treatment with the use of plant extracts. In any case, it is important to follow your gynaecologist’s instructions, no matter what treatment you choose.