My Best Friends Slept With My Fiancé Behind My Back; I’m Traumatized Because…

I think I’m the saddest person on earth right now, and I don’t know what I did to deserve it. I’ve sacrificed a lot for people. I’ve gone to the extreme of putting smiles on the faces of people, including my enemies, but I’ve never been appreciated.....KINDLY READ THE FULL STORY HERE▶

This is my story. I have three female friends who are my best friends. If I’m to make comparisons about wealth, my friends have nothing. My family lives in the States, and I’m the only person in Ghana. I’m managing my family’s real estate business. Aside from that, I own a boutique and a salon in Accra. There’s nothing I don’t give my friends because I see them as my family. They go to my boutique every time to take whatever they want and visit my salon to get their hair done whenever they want. I also pay their rent for them. I make sure whatever I eat is what they eat. I take them on trips too.

At the start of the year, we took a trip to South Africa, and I fully paid for them; none of them contributed a dime. Fast forward, we went out one day to chill, and I told them I wanted to give them 20,000 Ghana cedis each so that they could start their own businesses. It was a gift from me to them. They happily agreed, and I signed a cheque for them. Months later, it didn’t yield any results. They spent the money on unnecessary things. I gave them an extra 10k each, and they misused the money. I decided not to give them money again, and they started giving me attitude.

Because they were all I had in Ghana, I decided not to break the bond, so I still gave them money anytime they asked me. I’ve been dating my fiancé for two years, but he lives in the States. He visited me in Ghana in June. My friends knew him, so when he came to Ghana, he was living with me. He went to my family to discuss our marriage plans with them before coming to Ghana to see me.

My friends were also aware of our wedding preparations. We had no issues until one day he started giving me attitude. It was simply because one of my best friends told him I embarrassed her when she came to my boutique. It was about a dress she saw and liked. I told her it had been paid for. That dress cost 2,600 cedis because it’s a designer wear. It’s expensive, and I couldn’t give it to her for free. She told my other friends that I embarrassed her in my shop, which wasn’t true. From that time, they all started giving me attitude, and now she was telling my fiancé the same. To make things worse, they told my fiancé I was having affairs with other men because he wasn’t in Ghana.

As I type, I’m crying. One thing my friends don’t know to this date is that I have CCTV cameras in my room, including the bedroom I sleep in. Can you imagine, aside from all that they did to me, my own friends had sex with my fiancé? I couldn’t finish watching the video.

This happened two weeks ago. I noticed something fishy, so I checked my cameras and saw what happened. I haven’t been myself since. I haven’t confronted any of them. I’m so disappointed in my fiancé. My parents are not aware. I don’t know why they did this. I am traumatized. I want to seek revenge for what they’ve done to me.