My Boyfriend Ignored Me for Months, and Now He Wants to Marry Me Because I Want to Travel Out of the Country, Should I Marry Him or Not? (Video)

I dated this guy for four years. The relationship started when I was in level 300 at the university. The guy was a graduate and had been in business since he completed his degree. I always left school to visit him whenever we wanted to meet, and he always saw me as an immature girl. He treated me like I was a little naive girl, which I didn’t like.....KINDLY READ THE FULL STORY HERE▶

We would make video calls every day because it was a long distance relationship, but we only talked at night. It was as if it was a rule: no calls during the day because he said he wasn’t as romantic as I wanted. But I liked him because he was hardworking. He gave me reasons to think he was cheating on me, but the only issue I had was that he acted indifferent. He acted as if I could leave if I wanted to.

He never cared about my needs as a student. If I didn’t ask him for assistance, he wouldn’t mind me. There were times when, after we had sex, he would ignore me. During vacations, I always wanted to go out with him, but he acted like he wasn’t in the mood and didn’t need me around. I lived far from him during vacations, yet I always traveled to see him from time to time.

Last Christmas, I came around and was staying with a friend. I called him and said I was in town and wanted to have fun and enjoy Christmas together. He gave me attitude and didn’t call again from the 23rd to the 25th of December. On the 25th of December, he gave me attitude again and told me he wanted a break from the relationship. I cried my eyes out and told my mom I was heartbroken. I didn’t call him again, and he didn’t call for months. I wanted to move on, but I always thought about him.

Four months later, he sent me a message saying he was checking on me. I responded, and we started talking again. He came back into my life because I wasn’t with anyone else. Now he knows I’ll be traveling outside the country soon, and he’s asking for my hand in marriage. I’ll be leaving by next month, and he wants to marry me before I leave. He has been treating me well nowadays and taking care of my needs, unlike before. Now, I don’t know if I should agree to marry him or not.