Onitsha Comes To A Standstill: Grand Celebration Of Bishop Crowther’s 160th Consecration Anniversary - AZNews

Onitsha Comes to a Standstill: Grand Celebration of Bishop Crowther’s 160th Consecration Anniversary

On Friday, Onitsha, the bustling commercial hub of Anambra State, will come to a standstill as Anglican faithful gather to celebrate Bishop Samuel Ajai Crowther, the pioneering black Bishop who introduced gospel and Christianity to Nigeria.....Read The Full Story Here ▶

Sir Oselloka Offo, The Director of Communications, Diocese on the Niger, highlighted in a statement that Governor Chukwuma Soludo will lead various stakeholders in Anambra State to participate in the celebration of the 160th Anniversary of Bishop Samuel Ajai Crowther’s Consecration.

In his statement, Sir Oselloka Offo expressed, “Anambra State, particularly the commercial city of Onitsha, will come to a standstill tomorrow to honor the man who made significant sacrifices to propel the Church Missionary Society (CMS) in 1857, thereby catalyzing Nigeria’s journey into civilization.”

He continued, “Bishop Samuel Ajai Crowther, the first black Bishop, introduced the Gospel and Christianity to this region, leaving an indelible mark on our history and heritage.”

“This momentous occasion will see Governor Chukwuma Soludo leading Anambra stakeholders in welcoming over 164 Bishops of the Church of Nigeria to Onitsha, marking the 160th Anniversary of Bishop Samuel Ajai Crowther’s Consecration.

“The Anglican Communion of Nigeria is set to pay tribute to Bishop Crowther, recognizing his pivotal role in bringing enlightenment and education to our world. In honor of his enduring impact, a majestic statue will be unveiled in Onitsha, symbolizing his steadfast dedication to advancing humanity.

“Positioned at the forefront of Nigeria’s missionary endeavors, the Diocese on the Niger stands as a cornerstone for coordinated efforts across the nation and beyond.”