Reasons Why A Man Might Have Delayed Discharge During Sex

According to Mayoclinic, Delayed discharge, also known as delayed £jaculation, is a common s£xual dysfunction in men. It is characterized by the inability to achieve órgasm or £jaculate during s£xual activity. While premature £jaculation is a well-known s£xual dysfunction, delayed discharge can be equally distressing for men and their partners. Here are some reasons why a man might experience delayed discharge during s£x.....KINDLY READ THE FULL STORY HERE▶

1. Psychological Factors.

Psychological factors such as anxiety, stress, depression, and relationship problems can all contribute to delayed discharge. When a man is experiencing psychological distress, it can be difficult for him to relax and enjoy s£xual activity, which can lead to a delay in achieving órgasm.

2. Age.

As men age, their s£xual functions can change. Delayed discharge is more common in older men, as their bodies produce less testosterone, which can affect s£xual function.

3. Pornógraphy and Màsturbation.

Excessive pornography use or màsturbation can desensitize a man’s p£nis, making it more difficult to achieve órgasm during s£xual activity. If a man thinks that his excessive pornógraphy use or màsturbation is affecting his s£xual function, he should try reducing his use and see if it helps.

4. Alcohol and Drug Use.

Alcohol and drug use can also contribute to delayed discharge. When a man is under the influence of drugs or alcohol, it can be difficult for him to achieve órgasm. If a man is struggling with substance abuse, he should seek help from a professional.