Reasons Why Women Keep Getting Boils In Their Private Part & How To Treat It

Boils, otherwise known as Furuncles or abscesses, are painful, uncomfortable, red, pus-filled bumps that form under the skin. A boil that forms in or around the private region of women is known as váginal furuncles or abscesses......Read The Full Article>>.....Read The Full Article>>

What Are the causes of Boils in the Female Private Region?
According to a publication by Healthline, these boils are primarily caused by infected hair follicles around the female intimate region. However, other causes of boils in this region may include:

1. Bacterial Infection: Staphylococcus aureus is the bacterium most frequently responsible for causing boils in the female intimate area. Although this bacterium is a normal part of the flora in the nose, it may get to the root of follicles or sweat glands through minor cuts or other means, where it exerts pathogenic activities leading to infection, inflammation, and the development of a boil.

2. Blocked Hair Follicles: Hair follicles in the female intimate area can become blocked due to factors such as dead skin cells, sweat, and bacteria. The blockage creates an environment suitable for bacterial growth, leading to the formation of boils.

3. Ingrown Hairs: Ingrown hairs occur when hairs curl back or grow sideways into the skin instead of growing outward. Although they naturally don’t lead to boils, when those around the female intimate region get infected, it can lead to large fluid-filled boils.

4. Friction and irritation, especially when tight clothing or synthetic underwear are worn, can disrupt skin integrity, leading to minor cuts and abrasions. These cuts become the gateway through which bacteria can infect the skin around that region and form boils.

5. Sharing personal materials like towels, clothes, and undergarments with someone who has a previous history of boils slightly increases one’s chances of contracting the same.

How Can boils in the female intimate Region Be Treated?
If there is a boil around the female intimate region, the following can be done:

1. Applying warm compresses to the affected area can help promote drainage and relieve pain.

2. Topical or oral antibiotics prescribed by a Healthcare specialist can help fight the bacterial infection.

3. In some cases, a healthcare professional may need to drain the boil to accelerate healing and relieve pain.

4. Over-the-counter pain relievers can help manage pain and reduce inflammation.