The Best Ways To Take Care Of Your Vagina After Sexual Activity

According to “Healthline”,After intercourse, practicing basic private organ hygiene can help reduce the risk of infections and promote a clean, fresh feeling. The good news is that maintaining a clean, healthy private organ after sexual activity is as easy as doing a few small things.....KINDLY READ THE FULL STORY HERE▶

The actions you should do to keep your private organ clean are listed in this article after the act. They include;

1. Urinating after intercourse.

Even if you don’t perform anal intimacy, bacteria from your behind can still easily enter your “frontside” because your rectum and the private organ are quite close to one another. After engaging in the act, make sure to urinate right afterward so that your urine can flush the bacteria. This will assist in preventing the translocation from becoming a serious urinary tract infection (UTI).

2. Wash your hands after sexual activity.

Hopefully, you’ll wash your hands immediately after urinating, if you do that after the act. Even if you decide against peeing, practice washing your hands nonetheless.

3. Bathe after sexual contact.

If the act was so intense that it exhausted both you and your private organ, you might want to take a short soak in the tub. Warm water can calm sensitive tissue, and when you combine it with a few drops of virgin olive oil, the antioxidants in the oil not only fully hydrate your skin but also aid in the healing of your vulva.

Just be sure to use olive oil exclusively while bathing. Products for bubble baths or potent scents are the last things your private organ wants just after the act.

4. Drink water or pure cranberry juice after sexual activity,

Engaging in the act can dry out your vagina. Even though it may sound absurd, if you ever find that your vagina isn’t as moist as it was before round one and you’re about to start round two, part of that could be because your body lost moisture during the first session.

Drinking a few glasses of water is one technique to rehydrate your body. And if you frequently have UTIs, use pure cranberry juice in place of one of those glasses. Any bacteria that can try to irritate you and your private organ can be eliminated by its acidity level.