The Health Benefits of Boiled Yam Leaves

Yams are edible root tuber crop that’s mostly grown in African countries. Many people consume the tuber throwing away the leaves not knowing that the yam leaves can do wonders to the body......Read The Full Article>>.....Read The Full Article>>

In this article am going to share with you on how to use yam leaves to help cure certain ailments. The leaves contains alot of healthy benefits that I thought I should share with you.

Note: Yam leaves cannot be eaten raw because they contain a toxic that irritates the throat if not properly cooked.

Here is how to prepare your Yam leaf tea to drink.

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The yam leaves are big and broad, hence a single leaf is enough. Wash the leaf well and put it in a pot add enough water to boil for 20 minutes. After boiling allow the water to cool and filter to remove the leaf. Then you can drink the water which is yam leaf tea. You can add honey or lemon to taste. Take a cup daily in the morning to help you with these.

It will help boost your immunity level.

A cup of yam leaf tea contains vitamin C which our body needs to boost the immunity. By taking this can help prevent your body from getting infections and diseases.

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It will help prevent cancer growth.

Cancer is the most lethal disease in the world as it has caused many deaths. So we need to eat those foods that can help prevent cancer. The vitamin C in the yam leaf acts like antioxidants that helps to fight against free radicals that cause cancer and also prevents some ailments.

It will help ease digestion problems.

Digestion problems can be one of the most excruciating pain one can experience. The high fiber in the yam leaf can make digestion and absorption of food easier. When you drink these yam leaf tea Regularly it helps treat problems like constipation, bloating, diarrhoea and indigestion.

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It will help promote healthy eyes.

The yam leaf tea contains vitamin A and vitamin C. The vitamin A promotes healthy eyes and good vision. It also prevents the eyes from diseases like cataracts, myopia and blindness.

Try to use these yam leaf to get all the healthy benefits….READ FULL CONTENT FROM THE SOURCE