The Single Most Attractive Trait in a Potential Partner (Science Says So)

When I was in my ‘aggressively dating’ period a year or so ago, I struggled with the prompts provided in the dating apps. Sure, it’s useful to know if someone has pets, is into country music, and likes pineapple on a pizza, but none of this helps to understand a person’s energy......Read The Full Article>>.....Read The Full Article>>

First dates are pretty useful for this, though, so I went on quite a few of these.

As anyone who has dabbled in dating will tell you, a script of sorts develops after a while. You find yourself saying the same things, describing yourself in the same way, and asking similar questions. It’s a bit of a process, really, but so it should be. Our time and energy are important, so it’s good to be discerning about who we spend them on.

After a few months of dating, I found myself describing what I was looking for in a potential partner in an interesting way. It made complete sense to me when I said it, although I’m not sure it always landed with my date.
“I want someone who moves through life in the same way as me”

This captured it all. It was ambiguous and hard to define beyond this statement, butCONTINUE READING THE ARTICLE FROM THE SOURCE