Millions of people around the world have eye diseases, which can vary a lot in how bad they are. Each year, it is expected that more and more older people will be affected. As a result, people must learn about proper eye protection techniques. This piece of writing is important, so keep reading it......CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE READING>>>.....CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE READING>>>
Vision problems can be caused by a number of things. Conditions like diabetes, high blood pressure, abnormal cholesterol levels, etc., are risk factors. Since this is the case, people with these conditions may have more eye problems in the future. So, it is up to each person to take steps to protect his or her own eyes.
Healthline says that different vitamins are important for keeping the eyes healthy and working well. Vitamins and similar nutrients can be found in diets that are well-balanced. The amount of these vitamins in food is not enough to keep your eyes healthy, though. Because of this, it is important to take vitamins.
Here are the top 5 eye vitamins you should take every day to keep your eyes healthy and lower your risk of going blind:
Vitamin A
To keep the cornea clear, which is important for good vision, you need to get enough vitamin A. Vitamin A makes you tear up more, which makes it easier to get things out of your eye. There are no side effects that could cause night blindness or macular degeneration.
Vitamin C Tablets
High levels of vitamin C stop free radicals from forming, which can damage cells. Important because oxidation by free radicals can damage eye cells and lead to a number of eye problems. People who ate 490 milligrams of vitamin C every day had a lower chance of getting cataracts.
Vitamin E
People over 60 can also avoid cataracts by taking vitamin E supplements every day. The antioxidants in this make it less likely that free radicals will damage cells. Vitamin E supplements can be swapped out for foods that are high in vitamin E. Avocados, salmon, and vegetables with dark green leaves are all on the list.