Anytime My Husband Carries Our Daughter His Penis Is Erected And I’m Scared Because Of This – Lady Cries Out (Video) - AZNews

Anytime My Husband Carries Our Daughter His Penis Is Erected And I’m Scared Because Of This – Lady Cries Out (Video)

Anytime my husband holds our daughter, he gets an erection. I just want to say I’m scared for my daughters. I have been married for three years, and I have a loving husband who doesn’t contribute much financially to the family. Most of the responsibilities, including providing food, fall on me. My husband is very caring and helps with washing and cooking.....Read The Full Story Here ▶

Now, my problem is each time he carries our children, his penis gets erect. I am not a woman who starves him of sex. I give it to him anytime he wants it. Despite this, I am afraid for my girls. I don’t want anything inappropriate happening with them. They are too young; one is only five years old, and the youngest is nine months.

I have been observing this for a month now, and I’ve confirmed my fears. What should I do? I will be in the comment section for your advice.

This is my DM. Please be nice and kind with your words.

What do you think about the situation?

How do you feel about it?