My Husband And My Mum Just Welcomed Twin Boys Together, And He Made Them His Next Of Kin Because Of This - AZNews

My Husband And My Mum Just Welcomed Twin Boys Together, And He Made Them His Next Of Kin Because Of This

My husband and my mom just welcomed twin boys together while I have three girls with him. My husband used my mom’s sons as his next of kin. My mom is the loose person I would think of when my dad complained about how she used to cheat on him. I thought my dad was making up stories.....Read The Full Story Here ▶

My mom comes from an elite family. She got married early. I got married when I was 21 years old too. When she came to my house of some break, i expected her to be wear covered clothes However, my mom always wore bomb shorts that would reveal her skin. One day, I was in the room with my husband when my mom ran inside the room naked, saying she came to take my soap. She was already in the bathroom when she found out there was no soap. I told her it was time for her to leave, she apologize and we became cool after four months.

I told my mom it was time to go back to my father. My mom said she would decide when to go, and that I wasn’t the one to tell her when to leave. I told my husband, and he said it was my business with my mom and that he couldn’t tell us what to do.

After some weeks, I was a bit sick and went to the hospital. I had to stay at the hospital and called my husband to inform him. He said okay, that he would come later in the evening. Finally, the doctor said there was no need for the bed anymore and that I should go home and rest. I didn’t bother calling my husband because he wasn’t in the state according to him, so I didn’t want to disturb him.

When I got home, I went to the backyard to pack my baby’s clothes that I had washed before going to the hospital. On getting there, I heard voices of two people making love in our room. It sounded like my husband. My heart sank; my mind raced with the thought that he brought his side chick into our matrimonial home. Immediately, I looked through the window and started screaming, “Is this the out-of-state business you told me about? Who are you banging in our room?”

I was seriously hitting the window and heard the door open, so I rushed inside. Behold, it was my husband and my mother making love in our room. My husband was not remorseful. He took his key and left. I started fighting with my mom, and that same day she left my house.

I called my dad to inform him of what happened. My dad said it was exactly why he stopped touching her, that my mom had been sleeping with my uncles. To cut the long story short, I was on my husband’s phone one day trying to reply to our salesgirls. Immediately, my mom’s text popped up, and I opened it. My mom told my husband that she was pregnant and that she wouldn’t remove it.

Wow, I went mad. I showed my husband the message. He didn’t say anything and left. I called my father, but he didn’t pick up. After five hours, I got a call from my cousin that my dad was dead. He died inside his room. After the whole burial ceremony, my mom came to my house uninvited.

“What are you doing in my house?” I asked her. She didn’t answer me. I went closer to push her out, but then I saw she was pregnant. My husband stopped me, and the three of us sat down. My husband told me he would take responsibility for the pregnancy because it was his child. That was the day I got to know the true meaning of betrayal.

A few months later, my mom gave birth to twin boys, and my husband’s joy was obvious. He bought a new house, took my mom there, and moved out of our house to go live in the new house he bought with my mom. I feel like killing my mom and my husband. The pain became too much to bear.

Now, my major concern is that my husband has refused to support my girls. He moved out with all the cars because they were bought in his name and not mine. What kind of mother could do this to her own daughter? I wanted to inform the elders, but when I called, my mom was there. Then I found out that the woman I called my mom is not my biological mom but her younger sister. When my mom gave birth to me, she died, so her sister came to look after me, and my dad ended up marrying her. Wow.